Those are the Heart conditions that include diseased vessels, structural problems and blood clots. Valvular heart disease that affects how the valves function to regulate blood flow in and out of the heart. Coronary artery disease is the most common type of heart disease. Coronary arteries supply blood to the heart muscle and coronary artery disease that occurs when there is a formation of cholesterol plaque inside the artery walls. Over time, when neglected, this buildup of plaque may partially block the artery and decrease blood flow through it. A heart attack occurs when a plaque ruptures and forms a clot in the artery causing a complete blockage where the part of the heart muscle that is denied blood supply starts to die. Dhruthi provide best treatment for cardiac diseases with Best Cardiologist in guntur
The common symptoms of coronary heart disease may include: Chest pain - This pain may radiate or move to the arm, neck or back. Shortness of breath, Sweating, Nausea, Irregular heartbeat
Factors that can increase the risk for heart disease are : Smoking, High blood pressure (hypertension), High cholesterol, Diabetes, Family history of heart problems, especially heart attacks and strokes, Obesity
Since cardiovascular disease, peripheral artery disease, and stroke share the same risk factors, a patient who is diagnosed with one of the three has increased risk of having or developing the others.
Not all people with Cardiac Problems have chest pain as a symptom. Some may have signs and symptoms of indigestion, or exercise intolerance where they cannot perform activities that they normally once could. Treatments for cardiac Problems depends upon its severity. Many times lifestyle changes such as eating a heart healthy diet, exercising regularly, stopping smoking and controlling high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes may limit the artery narrowing. If the conditions is neglected, surgery might be needed. When you observed such type of symptoms, it's better to consult best doctor for treatment. At Dhruthi Dental Clinics in guntur has the Best doctor to provide primary care for cardic diseases.